Cleveland Bicentennial Press Release

Amateur Radio Operators celebrate Cleveland's Bicentennial

A number of amateur radio clubs from Cleveland and the surrounding suburbs and counties have gathered together to join in the celebration of Cleveland's 200th Birthday. The group, called Cleveland Bicentennial Amateur Radio Committee, or CBARC, is planning a series of "Special Events Station" operations.

A "Special Events Station" for amateur radio operators, or "hams" as they are generally known, is a commemoration of an event whereby they get "on the air" and tell other hams around the world whom they contact on short wave radio that this particular radio conversation have a special purpose, that is, it is commemorating a special event.

In this case, the special event will be the Cleveland Bicentennial. Unique certificates will be created for this event and hams around the world who contact us will be eligible to receive them. Specific information will be provided in the amateur radio magazines.

CBARC plans to go to various sites around Cleveland throughout 1996 to hold these special event radio operations. At these locations, other hams as well as the general public will be able to see various modes of amateur radio being demonstrated, and hear us make contacts with people around the world while learning more about amateur radio.

CBARC is still looking for more amateur radio clubs as well as individual hams to join us in the endeavor. For more information, contact Bob Winston, W2THU, ( at 771-3314 or Glenn Williams, AF8C, ( at 835-4897.

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