OPDX Bulletin 909 May 25, 2009

The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 909
BID: $OPDX.909
May 25, 2009
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q, KP2HC, N2YO, W2VU, NG3K, N4AA & QRZ DX, WT4M, W5UE, K8YSE, N8OFS, K0DEQ, W0SD, 4J5T, A35RK, DK8JB, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, DX World of Ham Radio Web Site, EA5FL, F5NQL & UFT, G3NKC, HA5X, HARDXA, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IK4RUX, OE1ZKC, OK1MU, PA1H, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, RSGB IOTA Web Site, VA3RJ & ICPO, VE1DHD, VE3DZ, VE9NC, VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) and VK4FW for the following DX information.

The Dayton HamVention was again another enjoyable event for DXers and Contester. There seems to be more activities for DXers/Contesters this year than in past years. The DX and Contest suites, as well as the Contest University (CTU), and both the DX and Contest Dinner Banquets were really busy and well attended. If you have not heard, the SouthWest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) presented two (not the usual one) "DXpedition of the Year" awards to: K5D Desecheo Island DXpedition (2009) and the VK9DWX Willis Island DXpedition (2008). By the way, both operations presented excellent presentations during the SWODXA DX Forum at the convention. There were other presentations during the SWODXA DX Forum (E44M Palestine DXpedition and K5LBU's African DX Safaris) and all were excellent programs. Just one last thing about Dayton, thanks to all who attended the NODXA Hospitality Suite. It was great meeting everyone and it seems NODXA will be having the suite again next year. Hope to see you there next year.

According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Friday, 15th-May, through Friday, 22nd-May there were 210 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J8, JA, JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S2, S5, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TN, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XX9, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZP, ZS

PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

Alex, GM0DHZ, who was active from the "Radio Club Station of Tunisian Scouts" in Sousse between January 15th-February 6th and November 27th-December 18th in 2007, informs OPDX that he is expected to go back late this year. Operations from 3V8-land is not definite. Stay tuned!

Members of the Federation of Radio Sports of Azerbaijan plan to undertake a DXpedition into the Nagorno Karabakh area (4J/4K) between May 28th and June 1st. The team will use the callsigns 4K3K and 4J0K. The DXpedition is timed to be an entry in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st). Please be aware that the mentioned callsigns are only legal to operate in the assigned Nagorno Karabakh area. No other callsigns are issued for the named territory by the Ministry of Communication of Azerbaijan. Any other callsigns are considered illegal. The QSL Manager for this DXpedition is RW6HS.

Vaho, 4L8A, will be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m)/High-Power entry. QSL via K1BV, by the Bureau or direct.

4U1W/4U30, AUSTRIA (Special Event)
The Vienna International Amateur Radio Club station, 4U1VIC, will be active using the following special event callsigns as follows:
4U1WED - During June to celebrate World Environment Day
4U30VIC - Between July and December to celebrate the Vienna Inter- national Centre's (UN building in Vienna) 30th anniversary.
QSL via 4U1VIC: Amateur Radio Club, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 500, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA.
PLEASE NOTE: For DXCC purpose, all (including 4U1VIC) counts as Austria (OE).

Win, DK9IP/KH7CD, will be active as 5H2WK from Arusha between May 28th and June 5th. Activity will be a holiday style, so his operations will be limited. However, Win will try to be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st). QSL via DK9IP.

Al, F5VHJ, will be active as 6W1RY during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via F5VHJ.

7X, ALGERIA (Update/Special Event Callsign Change/Ham Meet)
Members of the Algerian Radio Amateur Association (A.R.A) and Djelfa Radio Club (7X2VFK) will activate the special event callsign 7U2ISM during the International Algerian Sahara HAM Meeting (June 15-21st). A number of stations will be on the air on 160-10 meters using CW and SSB with some sporadic RTTY and BPSK. A special diploma will be issued instead of a QSL card. QSL via 7X2DD. To see the diploma and other info, visit:


Giulio, IW3HVB, will be active as 8Q7GP from Ari Atoll between May 27th and June 4th. Activity will be mainly 40/30/20 meters using SSB and PSK31. If the propagation is good, he will also try to operate on 17/15/12/10 meters. Suggested frequencies are:
SSB - 7057, 14267, 18137, 21267, 24957 and 28567
PSK31 - 7036.2, 10139.2, 14070.2, 180109.2, 21070.2, 24927.2 and 28120.2 kHz
Giulio will use an Elecraft K3 w/100 watts and multiband vertical antenna by I1UJX. QSL via IW3HVB, by the bureau or direct.

A3, TONGA (Update)
Paul, A35RK, informed OPDX early last week that he has been having big S-9+ power line noise problems. He states, "It was bad while Dave, A35KL, was here, and it has gotten worse. The local power company crew came out here yesterday (May 11th) and tightened up alot of loose pole hardware and worked on a nearby transformer, but there was no improvement. They said that they would come back again another day. Let's hope so. It's truly a credit to the excellent noise reduction features of the Elecraft K3 that I am making any contacts at all under these conditions. I have been listening for EU contacts on 20/CW at about 0700z everyday, but I haven't had much luck. I will continue to try. Bad condx have been generally poor. I will probably be extending my visit here until mid-June. I'll let you know of the exact cut-off date after I make return reservations to Ha'apai. April and May logs will go to W7TSQ and LoTW on June 1st. The June to-date log will go out on the day I leave here."

Hiromitsu, JR2SCJ, will be active as AH0AA from Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands (OC-086) during the CQ WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via JR2SCJ.

Wolf, OE1WHC, of the "Documentary Archives Radio Communication" in Austria, conducts an interesting 14 minute interview with well-known DXpeditioner Vlad, UA4WHX, at:


The following was received while your editor was attending the Dayton HamVention, and it was also announced during the DX and Contest dinner banquets: "(Dayton, OH - May 15, 2009)

CQ magazine today announced its 2009 Hall of Fame inductees, welcoming 15 new members into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame, two new members of the CQ DX Hall of Fame and one new member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame.

The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame honors those individuals, whether licensed hams or not, who have made significant contributions to amateur radio; and those amateurs who have made significant contributions either to amateur radio, to their professional careers or to some other aspect of life on our planet. The 2008 inductees (listed alphabetically) are:
Baker, Bill, W1BKR - President Emeritus, WNET-TV (Thirteen), New York PBS flagship station.
Barton, Loy - Developed class B plate modulation, primary method of modulating tube transmitters for decades.
Bauer, Frank, KA3HDO - NASA Chief Engineer for Exploration Systems; International Chairman, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), 1996-2009; AMSAT VP Human Space- flight, 1991-2009.
Bridges, William, W6FA - Laser pioneer; developed first "noble gas" lasers (argon, krypton, xenon) and the dominant modulation system for feeding data into fiber-optic cables; Professor Emeritus of Engineering at CalTech.
Fernandez Martin, Fernando, EA8AK - Member of the European Parliament, representing Spain; former President of the Government of the Canary Islands, former President of URE (Spanish IARU organization).
Floyd, George, WA4DGA (SK) - Author of "Scratchi" column in CQ over four decades. An engineer and executive at General Electric, he also wrote the "Lighthouse Larry" column in GE employee newsletters.
Haseltine, Eric, AB3DI - Former Associate Director of National Intelli- gence for Science and Technology; former Director of Research, National Security Agency; former Executive Vice President of Research and Development, Walt Disney Companies.
Hollingsworth, Riley, K4ZDH - Former Special Counsel for Amateur Radio, Federal Communications Commission. "Cleaned up" the ham bands after 15 years of neglect by the FCC.
Kilby, Jack - Inventor of the integrated circuit, which revolutionized electronics, including amateur radio equipment.
Krischke, Alois, DJ0TR - Prolific German author of antenna books. Rothammels Antennenbuch, a 1000-page reference showing virtually every amateur radio antenna ever designed, is in its 12th edition.
Maxwell, Walt, W2DU - Antenna designer (specializing in spacecraft communications) and author.
Miller, Lt. Gen. Thomas, K4IC (SK) - Deputy Chief of Staff for Aviation, USMC (1975-79) - in charge of all Marine Corps aviation; "father" of short-takeoff & vertical landing (STOVL) aviation in the USMC. Close friend of Sen. John Glenn; quietly watched out for amateur radio interests on Capitol Hill.
Morgan, Wilse, WX7P - Conducted first amateur radio license exam session under the Volunteer Examiner program in 1984; helped get VE program approved; also designed innovative antennas.
Parise, Ron, WA4SIR (SK) - Astronaut and active ham in space. First ham to operate packet radio from space and pioneered "telebridge" concept for making more frequent school-shuttle contacts possible. Also helped develop Radio JOVE, educational program for monitoring natural radio signals from Jupiter.
Whitehead, Clay, W6WW (SK) - First Director of the White House Office of Telecommunications Policy in the 1970s; reshaped America's television landscape by bringing competition to the domestic satellite market and making it feasible for cable companies to distribute their own programming via satellite.
The CQ Contest and DX Halls of Fame honor those amateurs who not only excel in personal performance in these major areas of amateur radio but who also "give back" to the hobby in outstanding ways.

The 2009 inductee to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame is:
The Rev. Paul Bittner, W0AIH - Paul's contest station near Eau Claire, Wisconsin, is known in Midwestern contesting circles simply as "The Farm." Spreading across 120 acres, Paul's farm grows a wide variety of antennas as well as regular crops of new contesters. Paul constantly seeks out and trains new contesters at his multi/multi station and welcomes visiting hams from around the world. He was nominated by the Minnesota Wireless Association.

The 2009 inductees to the CQ DX Hall of Fame are:
Neville Cheadle, G3NUG - Nominated by both the Chiltern DX Club and the Southeastern DX Club, Neville this year is celebrating his 50th anniversary in amateur radio. During that time he has confirmed 366 DX countries and nearly 1000 islands. As founder of the Five Star DX Association, Neville has been instrumental in organizing four major DXpeditions which have involved more than 90 hams from 14 different countries and have accounted for over a half million radio contacts! Neville is also the co-author of DXpeditioning Behind the Scenes, a handbook for hams on planning, setting up and operating successful DXpeditions.

Tom Harrell, N4XP - Tom has confirmed 361 DXCC entities, holds 9-band DXCC, 5-band Worked All Zones and WPX awards for SSB, CW and mixed-mode. Tom has also operated from 19 different DXCC entities, including two DXpeditions on which he was Team Leader and three on which he was co-Team Leader. Most recently, he served as Director of Off-Island Support for the BS7H operation from Scarborough Reef, providing regular news reports for the DX community. Tom was nominated by the German DX Foundation.

Formal inductions to the CQ Contest and DX Halls of Fame were scheduled for the contest and DX dinners, respectively, at the Dayton Hamvention.®"

Operators Ranko/E70R, Vlado/E70T, Radomir/E74IW, Zoka/E76C, Braco/E77DX and Rob/E77E will be active as E7DX during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via E77E.

Plenty of stations are expected to be active in the Geoparks Communication Weekend May 23-24th. Geopark stations are suggested to operate around or close to the following frequencies: 3680, 7080, 14180, 21180 and 28480 kHz. Several Geopark certificates and awards are available. Just to mention a couple:
UK Geopark certificate: To qualify, working GB6GEO will be an instant qualifier, or ANY two other Geopark stations (not including GB6GEO).

YO (Romania) Geopark Award - The CS Silver Fox issued an award for all who make 100 points working with GEO stations (each 20 points) + any station from HD county who give GEO after report (ex. YO2ARV 579/GEO). They give 10 points. Award period is between May 23rd and December 30th, 2009. For more info, please E-mail: cssilverfox@yahoo.com

Members of Saronno ARI section will be active from HV5PUL, the amateur radio station at the Pontifical Lateran University, on June 1st and 3-4th. Activity will be on the HF bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Operators mentioned are: Andrea/IZ2LSC, Giovanni/I2OGV, Ivano/I2RFJ, Giuseppe/I2ZBX and Romeo/IK2DJV. QSL direct to:HV5PUL, c/o Pontificia Universita Lateranense, 00120 Vatican City State.

AS-098. A group of Turkish radio amateurs activated Karaada Island in the Aegean Sea this past week between May 17-21st, using the special callsign TC098A. Operators were Pavel/OK1MU (TA2ZAF), Slavek/OK1TN, Franta/OK1DF (7X0RY), Zdenek/OK1FIA and Onda/OK1CDJ. Activity took place on 40-10 meters and VHF (locator KM36RX). QSL via OK2GZ, by the Bureau, direct or via their Web page at:


AS-137. Operators Rene/DL2JRM, Mee/BD4TQ, Meng/BD4TT (YL) and Dale/ BA4TB were expected to be active from Dayang Shan Island, May 22-24th. Activity is to be on all bands using CW, SSB and the Digi-modes. Operators will sign homecall/5. QSL via their home callsigns.

EU-028. Mauri, IZ5OVP, will be active as IA5/IZ5OVP from Elba Island (IIA LI001, MIA MI-022), May 24-25th. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.

EU-042. Thomas, DH1TS, will be active as DH1TS/p from Amrum Island between now and May 28th. QSL via his home callsign, bureau is preferred.

EU-048. Thomas, DL5MO, will be active as F/DL5MO from Groix Island (DIFM AT-012, WLOTA 0050) between June 29th and July 10th. Activity will be holiday style with operations mainly on 40/30/20 meters. QSL via DL5MO, direct or by the Bureau.

EU-054. Operators Salvetti/IW2MZX, Andrea/IZ2AJE, Vincenzo/IZ2GLU and Fabio/IZ2GMT will be active as IF9E from Levanzo Island (IIA TP-009, MIA MI-050, WLOTA 1918), May 21-24th. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via IZ2GLU, direct and by the Bureau.

EU-078. Operators George/EC2ADN and Christian/EA3NT will be active as EG3FI from Formigues Island, June 6-7th. This will be the first activation of Formigues Island since this island was added to the EU-078 group. Christian submitted all the necessary documents to be added. QSL via EA3NT, direct or by the bureau.

EU-121. Operators Robert/GI0NCA, Rudo/OM5FM and Vlado/OM7CA will be active as EI/homecall from Arranmore Island between May 25-29th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, RTTY and SSB. Operations will take place from Arranmore lighthouse (ARLHS IRE-002; WLOTA 1189) . QSL via their home callsign, direct or by the Burea.

EU-122. Members of Kilmarnock and Loudoun ARC (GM3YS/GM0ADX/GM7A) will be active as GI3YS from Rathlin Island (WLOTA 0039), Northern Ireland during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). Operators mentioned are: Allan/GM3OZB, Barry/GM3YEH, Steve/GM4OSS, John/GM0DJG and Gordon/MM0BIM. QSL via MM0DHQ, Bureau is preferred.

EU-155. Members of the Terre D' Argine Radio Team (TDART) will activate Scanno di Piallazza (IIA FE-001, Loc JN64ES) between May 31st and June 1st. Operators will sign homecall/P4. The team includes the following: Sergio/IK4JPR, Vanni/IK4RUX, Franco/IK4GLV, Gianni/IZ4ISX and Giuseppe/IZ4CCO. Activity will be on 40-6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the ARI Bureau.

EU-172. Look for operators Harry/PA1H and Nico/PA7PA to be active as OZ/homecall from Lango Island (FY-019 and NOT EU-029!!!) between July 25th and August 1st. Lango Island belongs to the Langeland Island group, and there is only one house on the island. So it is a unique location situated in "The Lindelse Nor". Activity will be on 160-10 meters using SSB and the Digi-modes. They also plan to be active during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). There may also be some VHF operations. QSL via their home callsign, by the bureau or direct (QRZ.com addresses).

NA-127. Members of the Halifax Amateur Radio Club will be activating Briar Island (CISA NS 011) as VE1FO/p between Friday evening May 22nd through Sunday evening, May 24th. The team includes six couples: Dick/VE1AI and Sandra, Scott/VE1QD and Sue, Howard/VE1DHD and Jean, Gary/VE1RGB and Bev, Ken/VY2RU and Ella/ VE1PEI, and Frank/VE1FHW and Carol/VE1CBW. Activity will be from the Brier Island Lodge

on 80/40/30/20/17/15 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via VE1DHD, by the Bureau or direct to: Howard Dickson, Halifax Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 663, Halifax, N.S. B3J 3T3, CANADA. PLEASE NOTE: QSLs outside USA and Canada, send one IRC, or 2 USDs. QSLs from USA, do NOT send a SASE with a U.S. stamp on it! You may send SASE with the proper amount of Canadian postage, or 1 IRC or 1 USD. Cards without proper postage will be answered via the bureau. EQSL.cc and bureau cards will be fully supported, but they are not currently registered at eQSL.cc.

JT1/JT4, MONGOLIA (Update)
A research team (Scott/KC0KHA, Dave, Gabor, and Terry) is currently in JT-land on a Mongolian Vertebrate Parasite Project (MVPP). The team has been assigned two club callsigns for two different regions in Mongolia. While in Ulaanbaatar (and north of the Gobi region), they will use the callsign JT1N. In the Gobi region they will use the callsign JT4N. Their host in Ulaanbaatar is Naran, JT1BV. It is recommend to watch 20 meters (14190 kHz after 1030z). At the end of May, they will be doing field work in and around the Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park in southern Mongolia through August. QSL via KC0KHA. Read about their MVPP at:


Co-leaders Tom/N4XP and Dave/WB4JTT have posted the following press release (Number 3 -- dated May 13, 2009)(edited): "Arrangements and plans are moving along without difficulty for the scheduled operation date of October 9-19th, 2009. We would like to announce the addition of three new members, Carlos/EA1IR, Craig/K9CT and Oscar/EA1DR to the team. Carlos, Craig and Oscar come to us with DXpedition experience, and we look forward to having them as members of the team.

Numerous equipment suppliers and manufacturers are on line with their support. When you deal with these companies or individuals please take a moment and thank them for providing support to not only this DXpedition but to all DXpeditions. Currently Acom, Heil, Rig Expert, The Battle Creek Group, WX0B, Cable Experts, ELLI Print, QRZ-DX, The Daily DX, IZ2KTZ, W8AEF, and W6SZN are providing equipment or support of some type.

The team would like to thank NCDXF, The Colvin Award, Southwest Ohio DX Association, The German DX Foundation, INDEXA, The Southeastern DX Club, The Lone Star DX Association, The Danish DX Group and others for their generous donations. You may also contribute, and we will appreciate your support. Contributions can be forwarded several ways, via the

web site using Pay Pal, credit card or U.S. Mail. All contributions are noted on the web site and depending on the level of support will be noted on the DXpedition QSL.

Many of the team members will be at Dayton and look forward to seeing you. Please say hello when you see a member sporting the Blue NCDXF T shirt with the K4M call walking around.

Two additional official web site features announced last month - The Midway Memorabilia Store and the DX poll are being well received. Take a look at the poll and see where your needs stand in regard to the rest of the DX world.

This month we are highlighting three more team members. You can read all their history at (Meet the ops part II):


Don, N6IC, will be heading north to visit his family in Alaska and will be active as N6IC/KL7 from Douglas Island (NA-041, USI AK-018S, WLOTA 3106) between now and May 30th. Look for activity ONLY during the day. QSL via his home callsign.

Ann/KP2YL and Brian/KP2HC will be back on St. Croix, June 1-30th. Listen for them doing CW and SSB on 160-6 meters. June is 6m season in the Caribbean, and Brian will be monitoring that band. St Croix is IOTA NA-016 and grid FK77. QSL direct ONLY (information is available on (QRZ.com)).

Operators Lars/DF1LON, Mike/DF3VM, Willfried/DF4PD, Chris/DL7CS, Robin/K4VU and Philippe/LX2A will be active as LX7I during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via LX2A. Visit the following Web page at:


Operators Babs/DL7AFS and Lot/DJ7ZG are now active from here as MJ/homecall until May 27th. Activity is on 80-6 meters using SSB, RTTY and PSK. Over the past week QSNs show heavy activity on 30/17/10 meters. QSL via bureau to DL7AFS. Their online logs as well as more info can be found on their Web page at:

ADDED NOTE: Look for them to be active as J79ZG from Dominica in October.

Members of the French CW Society the Union Francaise des Telegraphistes (UFT) have elected the new officers for the year 2009-2010 as follows:

    President      : Vincent Ortega, F5MJV
    Vice-President : Francis Fagon, F6ELU
    Treasurer      : Gerard Toussaint, F6ICG
    Assistant Treasurer: Maurice Mathieu, F5IYU
    Secretary      : Bernard Irigoyen, F5HEW
    Trustees       : XYL Evelyne Terrail/F5RPB, XYL Claudine Declef/F5JER,
                     Frederic Bossu/F5INL, Jean-Claude Mercier/F6JOE and
                     Paolo Paravagna/F8ENY.
Members of the Strange Radio Team (SRT) have announced their new team:

    Oreste, IZ8EDJ   : President, responsible and organizer of DX Convention
    Francesco, IZ7AUH: Vice-President & Webmaster
    Francesco, IK8WEJ: Vice-President and responsible for SRT special calls
    Marco, IZ7DOK    : Vice-President & Event Manager
    Christine, I0OCD : Secretary & International Public Relations
    Fabio, IZ7CRW    : Moderator Forum lists (SRT-FORUM / SRT-DX)
    Federico, IW1QN  : 50 MHz Memorial Day Contest Manager
OA4O via direct or by the Bureau
TC2009UC via: P.O. Box 73, Karakoy 34421, Istanbul, TURKEY
YS1G via G3TXF or LoTW

9V1YC QSL STATUS. Randy, W5UE, reports that "James' (9V1YC), QSL Manager Joe, N5ID, has been suffering from an extended illness and has been in the hospital or rehabilitation for several months unable to respond to QSL requests. As a result I am temporarily taking over answering Joe's backlog of requests. The priority will be direct requests, and I will get to bureau requests as time allows. I have all of James' logs and received an initial large batch of unopened direct requests from Joe's QTH and have blanks for 9V1YC so processing of those will begin this week. I will also be answering N1YC/VK9X and 9V9HQ requests once I have the blank cards. I will be receiving more from Joe over the next few weeks, so please continue to be patient. Please note that at this time this is a TEMPORARY change. PLEASE DO NOT update any QSL manager databases or routes as a result of this note. In the interim please feel free to direct any email queries about your 9V1YC status directly to me. Also, I will be updating status from time to time on my web page at

James and Joe both apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your understanding. Please continue to keep Joe in your thoughts and prayers. 73"

NEW QSL ROUTE. Buzz, NI5DX, is now the QSL manager for Juma, A71BU. Juma has had his new callsign for only a week. He has already sent Buzz his up-to-date log. QSL cards will need to be designed and ordered. Please allow approximately 6-8 weeks before the first A71BU cards are sent out. A71EM and A92GT card requests still go to EA7FTR.

MJ4K QSL STATUS. Dave, G3NKC, informs that the QSLs have finally been received from printer on May 15th; all requests were printed the same day and were either posted the same day or the next day. He states, "I will turn all new direct requests around as fast as possible; usually within a week (usual rule apply with return postage). Users can apply for MD4K or MD6V QSLs at the same time; I don't mind!"

NOT THE QSL MANAGER. Bill, K0DEQ, reports that some sources report that K5FI is QSL manager for OD5GR, but an E-mail from K5FI asserts in the strongest possible terms that he is "NOT" the QSL Manager for OD5GR or anyone else. K5FI would appreciate help in correcting this misinforma- tion. OD5GR is actually a PIRATE station.

TS7C QSL STATUS. It has been reported that about 2000 cards direct requests received up to May 10th were put in the mail by Sylvain, F4EGD, the QSL Manager. The Bureau cards are scheduled to be handed over to the French REF-Union Bureau in Tours during the second half of May.

Chris, HA5X/HG5XA, reports: "The VK9GMW log has now been uploaded to LoTW. We have also started uploading logs to eQSL.cc. On that system there was a little problem with the ADIF upload and the RST field of some CW QSOs got corrupted, and thus currently read '59' instead of '599', but we hope to get support from the eQSL team to get that fixed."

VK9LA QSL STATUS. Bill, VK4FW, informs on May 22nd: "2 days ago I approved the design and print of the cards, so I expect to possibly have them here in 10 days or so. Meantime anyone looking at the OQRS service will find it is not working properly along with other parts of the Web site. This is due to hackers getting into

We hope to have the site back up ASAP."

ZL7T QSL STATUS. Lee, ZL2AL, reports: "I am processing the cards at the moment and the first batch will go out June 1st, next batch June 15th and the June 30th for the last batch which will bring us up into 'current' status. Thanks for all your kind comments in the cards."




Dimitris, SV9COL, will be active from Heraklio (EU-015, GIOTA KRS-005, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA 1400) during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Lower-Power entry. QSLs are "OK" via LoTW.

Henry, TI2HMG, is trying to put together another operation to TI9 which will take place in February of 2010. If you are interested in being part of the DXpedition, send an E-mail to: ti2hmg@qsl.net Look for updates and details on:


Didier, F5OGL, has announced dates for an upcoming operation this year. His press release states that a ham radio team of 3-4 military operators along with two reporters/journalists from SIRPA (French Forces Public Relations and Informations Services) will be landing on Glorioso Island by July 9th and will stay there up to July 28th. He states that the video reporting team will be there to make several video footages/ documentaries with the main video being the DXpedition itself.

Activity will be on 160-6 meters using numerous modes such as CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and possibly other digital modes. Three stations are planned to be on the air. All the equipment is going to be loaned by the F6KOP team and CDXC President F4AJQ. The callsign will not be announced until the operation, but it was mentioned there could be more than one callsign. The leader and QSL Manager is Didier, F5OGL. Webmaster is Rafik, F5CQ. Other operators mentioned are: Freddy/F5IRO (TO4E), Yves-Michel/F5PRU, Jean-Claude/F5TLM and if possible Philippe/F4EGS and Jean-Marc/F5RQQ. They are currently looking for sponsors. They hope to have an online log which can be updated daily during the operation. More information is forthcoming. Look for updates on their Web page at:


Les, SP3DOI, reports that a a Polish group of four ham radio amateurs (Jan/SP3CYY, Wojciech/SP9PT, Jozef/SP9- 31029 and himself) together with their guest Michel, FO5QB, will activate Tubuai Island (OC-152) in the Austral Island group between September 28th and October 12th, as well as Nuku Hiva Island (OC-027) in the Marquesas Islands group between October 16-22nd. Callsigns applied for are TX5SPA (Austral) and TX5SPM (Marquesas).

Their goal is to make as many QSOs as possible, mainly with Europe on the lower frequency bands. Both countries rank 21st and 19th respectively on the most wanted list in that area, but they do not intend to ignore the stations from other continents. If possible (propagation), they will also be working on all the higher bands. They are planning to be active on CW, SSB and RTTY (maybe PSK31).

PLEASE NOTE: Operators would like to emphasize that all the costs of the DXpeditions are covered entirely by its participants. They do not accept any sponsors, and are going there for their own pleasure, using their own money. The QSL Manager for their DXpeditions is going to be Wojciech, SP9PT. For more details and update, go to:


Operators Ed/W0SD and Arliss/W7XU have decided to forsake the Caribbean this summer and instead will be heading here for the 6 meter Sporadic E season. Their DXpedition callsign will be TZ6EI. Arliss has recently returned from Mali with the license in hand. The primary focus will be 6 meters on 50.103 MHz. There are some HF operations planned for late night non-Sporadic E hours. The dates of the operation will be from June 26th through July 5th. Due to the lack of an internet connection, no online logs are planned. The grid square will likely be IK52 or IK62. Ed informs OPDX readers, "Please just send us your RST/RS signal report. We do not need your grid square. We have lost many contacts in the past on six meters as signals have faded out before we get a report, so it is very wise to concentrate on sending 'JUST' our signal report!" QSL via W7XU.

Jimmy, W6JKV, will be active as V29JKV from Antigua (NA-100, WLOTA 1118) between June 24th and July 3rd. Activity will be on the HF bands, but his focus will be on 6 meters (Grid FK97). He has a very good location and will use a large antenna with power. QSL via his home callsign in Austin, Texas.

V3, BELIZE (Postponed)
Operators Terry/W6WTG (V31UR) and his XYL Sharon/ N2OWL (V31WL), who were expected to be active from Caye Caulker (NA-073 and Grid EK57) between July 21-29th and be an entry in the 2009 RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th), have postponed their trip due to the Swine Flu problem. For more info and updates, see Terry's Web page at:


Yuri, VE3DZ will be active as VE3DZ/VP9 during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. He is expected to be there between May 23-31st. Activity outside of the contest (before) will be focused on RTTY/SSB/CW, low bands and 30/17/12 meters. QSL via VE3DZ.

VR2009, HONG KONG (Special Event)
Members of the Hong Kong Amateur Radio DX Association (HARDXA) will use the special event callsign VR2009EAG between July 1st and December 31st, to promote the Hong Kong 2009 East Asia Games. Operations will be primarily on the HF bands from 40-10 meters and VHF on 6 meters. The modes used will be primarily SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. QSL Manager VR2XMT: Charlie Ho, PO Box 900, Fanling Post Office, Hong Kong. There will be no e-QSL or LoTW. To see QSL cards, go to:


Tom, KC0W/ZD7X, is expected to be active as XU7XXX during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL via KC0W, direct only.

John, WT4M (aka YI9TM), informs: "Sorry for the bad news, but YI9TM is QRT until further notice. Nothing wrong, just an operational requirement... Will advise when I will be back on-the-air! Please pass the word.... 73"

Eric, K9GY, will be active as YN2GY from Octavio's, YN2N, QTH in Grenada, during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 30-31st) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. He will be there between May 28th and June 1st. Outside of the contest, look for some activity on 6 meters. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

Members of the Missouri DX/Contest Club and possibly other operators will be active as ZF2SX during the CQWW RTTY Contest (September 26-27th). Operators mentioned are Jim/W4JO, Ron/K4SX and guest op Rob/W6BO. More details are forthcoming. QSL via K4SX.

ZK2, NIUE (Update/OC-040)
Chris, ZL1CT (GM3WOJ), is now active as ZK2V through June 20th. Resources are limited, so activity will be mainly on 80/40/20/15 meters using CW and SSB, with some 30/17/12 meter activity and RTTY. Planned operations include entries in the 2009 ARRL CW and Phone Contests. He is told that he will have Internet access from his QTH. If so, his plans are to upload logs to LoTW on a daily or every other day basis. More details and Chris's online logs will be available on his DXpedition's Web page at:

A photo QSL is planned and obviously will come after the completion of the DXpedition, so please be patient. QSL via N3SL. Donations will be greatly appreciated.

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