The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 670
BID: $OPDX.670
July 26, 2004
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, ARRL W1AW Bulletin, K1XN & GoList, NG3K, W3HC, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4SV, N4AA & QRZ DX, K8YSE, 3D2AA, DJ7IK, DL1EK & The DX News Letter, F5CWU & La Gazette du DX, F5NQL & UFT, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, JI6KVR & JA-IOTA Islands News, JR3TVH, M3ZYZ, VA3RJ & ICPO, VU3DJQ and YV5RCV for the following DX information.
This week's bulletin was sent out
earlier than normal to accommodate the late IOTA Contest announcements.
Also, we wanted to provide the readers with a consolidated listing of
the IOTA Contest participants.
Also, there will "NOT" be an OPDX bulletin for August 2nd. I know, you heard this before, but it is true this time. My wife (chief proof-reader), daughter and I will be going to Las Vegas to visit my dad and step-mother (who we haven't seen in 2 years). Besides, I can really use the break! However, PLEASE continue to send your DX info to me.
According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Saturday, 17th/July, through Saturday, 24th/July there were 204
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X,
8P, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BY, C3, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, DL, DU, EA, EA6,
EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM,
FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H3, H4, HA, HB, HC, HH, HI, HK,
HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KH0,
KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON,
OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV,
SV5, SV9, T5, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT, TU, TY, UA,
UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2M, VP5,
VP9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YU, YV,
Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD8, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
Jay, K4ZLE, will once again return here and be active (as
time permits while there) as 5X2A from August 3-21st. Some effort will
be made to operate on the lower bands this year, mostly CW. Activity is
also planned for PSK31. QSL direct via K4ZLE.
A35, TONGA (Update/Change In Plans/Rotuma - Possibly Later)
Aisea, 3D2AA,
informs OPDX that Christian, 3D2EA, has changed his plans and is now
active from Tonga instead of Rotuma. Christian was first heard active as
A35EA, but now it seems he is signing A35DX. He is expected to be active
until July 29th. Activity will be on 40/17 meters and mainly on 20 meters.
Christian is still hoping that when he gets back from Tonga he shall
reconsider his Rotuma trip. QSL via 3D2EA.
Dave/K4SV and Neil/VA7DX return to
Africa July 28th and will be active from three DX locations through August
17th. Dave and Neil will operate from Lesotho, July 29th to August 6th,
Swaziland, August 7-11th and Mozambique, August 12-17th. Activity will be
on CW, SSB, RTTY and other digital modes, with operations planned for
160-10 meters; subject to daily propagation conditions, with focus on
the low bands nightly. Special effort will be made to work the general
portion of the bands. Equipment has been provided by ZS6WB for meteor
scatter and EME operation on 2m and 6m using FSK441 and JT65. Patience
will be required because neither operator has much experience in either
mode. Verticals will be used on 160 to 30 meters with 4 element A4S and
WARC beams at 75 feet for the higher bands. Towers, antennas, logistical
support, licensing and all in-country arrangements have been handled
by African DX Safaris - ZS6WPX. They suggest that anyone needing these
countries get your antennas ready to go now. Last year's callsigns will
be reactivated with Dave using 7P8DA, 3DA0SV and C91DA. Neil will use
7P8NK, 3DA0WC and C91NK. Information on how to QSL and online logs
will be available at:
AS-147. Taka/JR3TVH and Natsu/JJ3NAW will be active from Rishiri
Island and Rebun Island, the northern most islands in JA-land,
as JR3TVH/8 and JJ3NAW/8 through July 25th. Activity will
include the IOTA Contest, and they plan to operate on HF to
6m on SSB, CW, RTTY, FM, AM and PSK31. QSL to their home
callsign via the bureau (
Operators VU2UR and VU2NXM will activate this IOTA starting
July 23rd for about a week. Activity will include the IOTA
Contest. Call will be AT0BI. Please follow the operator's
instructions to make contact. Last time only few QSOs were
made due to huge pileups.
AS-NEW. Joel, F5PAC, was expected this past week to operate as 4S7PAG from Barberen Island (which is an unnumbered Sri Lanka's Coastal Islands group). ADDED UPDATE. This new IOTA is now listed as AS-171.
EU-010. Dennis, M0LSB/MM0LSB, is currently on an Outer Hebrides,
"Grand Tour" - currently on Lewis (SCOTIA HI21). He will
activate the following island in the EU-0101 group using
the schedule below (approximate dates):
July 24-25th Great Bernera (HI27)
July 25-26th Harris (HI21)
July 26-27th Berneray (HI15)
July 28-29th North Uist (HI13)
July 30th Grimday (HI10)
July 31st Baleshare (HI11)
August 1-3th Benbecula (HI08)
August 3-7th South Uist (HI06)
August 7-11st Eriskay (HI05)
August 11-18th Barra (HI02)
August 11-18th Vatersay (HI01)
Dennis says this is a holiday, so don't expect a "round the
clock" operation. Visit Dennis's Home page at:
EU-064. Some members of the past 5V7C crew, namely Gunther/F5VHQ, Pascal/F5JSD and Frank/F4AJQ, will go to Noirmoutier, with Bernard/F9IE and will be active during for the IOTA Contest as F6KOP/P. Outside of the contest they will use their own callsign/p except Bernard/F9IE who lives on the Island. QSL via operator's instructions.
EU-124. The Barry Amateur Radio Society will participate in the IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) as GW8K from Flatholm Island. They will be on the island from now through July 26th inclusive; outside the contest expect activity as GB5FI also on PSK31 and SSTV. QSL via GW0ANA, direct or by the bureau.
Ken/K6TA and Kay/K6KO will be active from here as P40TA and
P40K, respectively, from November 30th to December 21st. Both operators
plan to be active as P40K in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest (December 11-12th)
as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry. Also, look for P40TA in the ARRL
160m Contest. QSL both callsigns via WM6A.
Andy, DJ7IK, informs OPDX that the 3V8 QSL Bureau is now working.
The Bureau is located in Tunis at the headquarter of the Tunisian
Scouts. The address: Scouts Tunisiens, Amateur Radio 3V8ST,
Avenue Juguartha, P.O. Box 339, Tunis Mahrajene 1082, TUNISIA
Mac, W3HC, informs OPDX that he is now the QSL Manager for 9A6DR. He also mentions that the new cards are being printed for PS2T at this time.
The ARRL Web page and W1AW Bulletins report that "radio
astronomer, antenna designer, cosmic explorer and author John D. Kraus,
W8JK, of Delaware, Ohio, died July 18th. He was 94. While he enjoyed a
worldwide reputation, Kraus is perhaps best known in Amateur Radio circles
for his bi-directional wire beam antenna--often dubbed the '8JK array.
Other important Kraus designs include the corner reflector and helix
antennas. The Michigan native was a pioneer of radiotelescope design
and the father of the 'Big Ear' radiotelescope." For more information
about John, W8JK, please read ARRL Special Bulletin ARLX006 or visit
the ARRL Web at:
Henry, F6EAY, is currently assigned in Kabul, Afghanistan,
and is active using the callsign T6RF only on PSK31. Henry states, "The
propagation is not very good and the signals are weak." QSL via his
manager, Jean Pierre, F6ITD.
TWLHF (The World Lighthouse Foundation)
Charles, M3ZYZ, Founder and
President of TWLHF, provides the following information about the TWLHF:
"This foundation was established as a result of great appreciation for
lighthouses and lighthouse keepers of whom there are ever fewer in
the world. All people of good will from any part of the world can become
members of this foundation, independent of whether they are radio
amateurs or not. TWLHF will closely cooperate with associations of
similar stand, attitude and interests by assisting and honouring one
another as equal partners connected amicably and by a mutual love of
lighthouses. The Foundation was the idea of Kresimir, 9A7K, along with
other persons from across Europe including myself Charles, 'M3ZYZ'.
I have been interested in Lighthouses from an early age and to combine
them along with radio also, was a dream come true. The Foundation, of
course, is not mainly aimed at Radio Amateurs but also SWL's and any
other person who shares in the passion for seeing Lighthouses for
whatever reason. The membership fee is €5 euros or equivelent in US
Dollars, GBP etc and for this the member will recieve a beautiful
full colour certificate bearing their name and unique member's number.
In addition to the above, their are many Medals, Diploma's and Trophies
all available, but moreso, they are achievable even to the SWL or Qrp
station." For more information and details about the TWLHF, please
visit their Web page at:
Jaak, ES1FB, will once again be active as XU7ACE starting
around October 15th and end November 5th. QSL via ES1FB.
The official YV0 DXpedition announcement was finally
released this past week by the RCV. The press release states:
"The Radio Club Venezolano (RCV) is celebrating the 70th anniversary
and would hereby announce an expedition to Aves Island - one of the
top ten most wanted DXCC entities.
Aves Island (NA-020) is located at 15 40' 33" North 63 36' 27" West (FK85eq) which is around 600 kilometres north of mainland Venezuela. The island is about 580 meters long and 150 meters wide. The highest point on the island is only about 3 meters above sea level. Aves Island was claimed by Venezuela in 1865.
On August 23, 1972, the island was declared a wildlife sanctuary. In 1978 the Venezuelan Navy established a garrison in Aves called the Simon Bolivar = Scientific-Military Base. Now a new garrison has been installed this month, and this expedition will be there at the time of its inauguration. Last DXpedition to YV0 was in 1994.
Dates: From July 28th until August 8th. (on-the-air period depends on voyage to Aves)
Operators: K4UEE, K6MYC, OH2BH, OH0XX - as invited guest operators. The host group is YV1AVO, YV1DIG, YV4BOU, YV5AMH, YV5IVB, YV5JBI, YV5KM, YV5KXE, YV5OIE and YV6BTF. Also YY5FRD will be part of the crew.
Antennas: Sigma & SVDA vertical monoband antennas for HF provided by FORCE 12, the leading edge antennas for many successful DXpeditions and contest operations. On VHF M2 2x 41 ft. boomers on 6m and a 15.7 dbd yagi for 2m will be used. Crossed yagis for UHF and VHF will be used in satellite operation.
Modes: SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK, SSTV, FM and some other digital, many modes for the 1st time from YV0.
Bands: 75cms thru 160m including WARCs and satellite.
EME: Moon bounce operation for the 1st time from YV0.
Suggested Frequencies:
CW - 1823,3503/3523, 7003/7023, 10103, 14023, 18073, 21023, 24893,
28023, 50103, 144100 and 432100
SSB - 1843, 3795, 7055, 14195/14260, 18145, 21295/21195*, 24945, 28480/28905*, 50103 and 144200
RTTY - 3580, 7035, 10133, 14083, 18101, 21083, 24920 and 28083
SSTV - 14233, 21343 and 28683
PSK - 3580, 7035/7080, 10143, 14071, 18101, 21071, 24920 and 28120
FM - 29600 and 146520
* only for Novice (please do not call if you are not a Novice)
Follow up operator instructions for split range and frequencies.
Plus 50103, 144080 for EME operations.
RIGS: 4x Yaesu's FT1000MP Mark-V and 2x FT847's, 2x FinnFet HF amplifiers by MA-FET among others rigs & amps, also a 1kw (8877) on 6m and 350w on 2m (EME).
Online Logs: If a good communication can be established, a query for daily uploaded logs will be on the radio club (RCV) Web page.
Logs will be on ARRL's LOTW (Log of the World) but the expedition will NOT load logs into EQSL but right QSO's on the InBox will be honored.
QSL Manager is KB6NAN 'OK' on (, (1 IRC or 1 USD is 'OK' worldwide, SASE is 'OK' for USA). QSLs (most probably full colour folded cards) will be printed after the Dxpedition. QSLing thru bureau are 'OK'.
Sponsors: FORCE 12 ( for all HF antennas and AMSAT-YV ( for the satellite operation.
Pilot for Asia and Oceania: ZL2AL, America: K6GNX and Europe: OH2RF.
Anything extra sent as contribution will be gratefully welcome to cover the expenses of the DXpedition and printing the QSL cards.
Profile: 6 HF stations plus a 6m/2m EME and a satellite station for (AO7-FO29-SO50-AO51...).
Trip to the island is expected to be a 24 hours or less depending on the ship. The set-up period after arrival will be some hours in the Caribbean heat.
Such as antennas and tents, in a high heat would take its toll. And thereafter... be our guest!
The main antennas will be taken down day before the ship arrival while a modest signal may be kept on the air until 8th of August.
At the hour (00 minutes) operators will ask for only AF/AS/OC, be polite and stop calling if you are not in this areas, just wait until the next general QRZ.
At half hours (30 minutes) operators will ask for short skip stations only, it means Caribbean & North SA, again please follow the previous lines instructions.
If the ship commander would allow operations on the ship, keep your ears on 6m for some Caribbean sea grids.
As you have noticed there are real good operators in the crew, so just follow their instructions.
WEB Page: and follow Aves link on the left menu, then choose 2004 (will be active soon).
You can enjoy some info on all the RCV's DXpeditions to Aves Island."
Thanks to Bill, NG3K, for providing OPDX readers the following
consolidated listing of the participants in the 2004 RSGB IOTA Contest. For
a more detailed listing in HTML format, please visit the Web page at:
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OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME (provided by John, K8YSE (
Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers
Contest DXCC IOTA Island QSL
Callsign Entity Route
5B4/GM4AFF Cyprus AS-004 Cyprus M0CMK
5B4PRC Cyprus AS-004 Cyprus
7S5A Sweden EU-177 Stora Alo SM4DDS
9A/HA6PS Croatia EU-170 Pasman HA6PS
9A/HA6ZV Croatia EU-170 Pasman HA6ZV
9A/HA7JJS Croatia EU-170 Pasman HA7JJS
9A/HA8KW Croatia EU-136 Rab HA8KW
9A2004YC Croatia EU-110 Sveti Andrija 9A5AEI
9A6NL Croatia EU-170 Pasman HA6NL
9A7T/p Croatia EU-016 Korcula 9A2EU
9A9Z Croatia EU-170 Obonjan 9A1ADE
9A0CI Croatia EU-110 Sveti Nicola HA3KNA
9A0R Croatia EU-136 Krk 9A9R
9H3OE Malta EU-023 Malta OE5CMN
9H4JB Malta EU-023 Gozo
AA4V USA NA-110 Isle of Palms
BI5D China AS-141 Dongtou BA4RD
BI5Z China AS-137 Zhoushan BD5HAG
BW9W Taiwan AS-155 Peng Chia Yu BV2KI
CO8TW Cuba NA-015 Cuba IZ8CCW
CS7T Portugal EU-040 Berlenga CT1ILT
CT9X Madeira AF-014 Porto Santo N3SL
DB1BAC Germany EU-047 Wangerooge Buro
DD6VSF Germany EU-047 Norderney Buro
DF0TX/p Germany EU-057 Ruegen Buro
DG3XA/p Germany EU-057 Ruegen Buro
DJ7YT/p Germany EU-128 Fehmarn DJ7YT
DL4FCH/p Germany EU-042 Pellworm Buro
DL5AUA/p Germany EU-127 Neuwerk DL5AUA
DL5CX/p Germany EU-015 Insel Gormitz DL5CX
DL5KVV/p Germany EU-015 Insel Gormitz DL5KVV
DL0HGW/p Germany EU-057 Vilm Buro
DL0KWH/p Germany EU-129 Usedom Buro
DS2GOO/2 South Korea AS-090 Tokchok DS2GOO
DS5AAQ/5 South Korea AS-081 Namhae DS5AAQ Buro
DS5ACV/5 South Korea AS-081 Namhae DS5ACV Buro
DS5DNO/5 South Korea AS-081 Namhae DS5DNO Buro
DS5HVJ/5 South Korea AS-081 Namhae DS5HVJ Buro
DS0DX/2 South Korea AS-105 YoungYu HL1XP
E20HHK/p Thailand AS-125 Chang E21EIC
E21EIC/p Thailand AS-107 Si Chang E21EIC CBA
EA1 Spain EU-142 Mouro ON4ADN
EA1ABS/p Spain EU-142 Deva EA1ABS
EA1YY/p Spain EU-142 Deva EA1YY
EA5KB/p Spain EU-093 Portitxol EA5KB
EJ2MT Ireland EU-121 Bere EI6HB
EJ4F Ireland EU-103 Little Saltee ON5MF
ES1FB/0 Estonia EU-034 Saaremaa ES1FB
ES2U/p Estonia EU-149 Rammu ES1QV
F6KOP/p France EU-064 Noirmoutier
G5W England EU-005 Great Britain
GM2T Scotland EU-008 Isle of Tiree GM4UYZ
GM2Z Scotland EU-123 Isle of Bute GM2Z Buro
GM4TOQ/p Scotland EU-123 Isle of Bute GM4TOQ
GU8D Guernsey EU-114 Guernsey G3LZQ
HI3/ON4QX Dominican Republic NA-096 Hispaniola ON4QX
HS0EHF/p Thailand AS-107 Si Chang HS0EHF CBA
IC8M Italy EU-031 Licosa IZ8EDJ
IC8OZM Italy EU-031 Procida IC8OZM
IC8WIC Italy EU-031 Capri IC8WIC
IH9/IQ2CJ Italy AF-018 Pantelleria Buro
IK7QMJ/7 Italy EU-091 Grande IK7QMJ
IM0/IZ0EJQ Sardinia EU-165 San Pietro IZ0EJQ
IQ3GO/P Italy EU-130 Del Campo Buro
J45C Dodecanese EU-001 Kos
J49LH Crete EU-015 Crete
JI3DST/8 Japan AS-147 Okushiri Buro
JJ3NAW/8 Japan AS-147 TBD Buro
JM1PXG/6 Japan AS-047 Kita Daito JM1PXG
JR3TVH/8 Japan AS-147 TBD Buro
K1VSJ USA NA-046 Martha's Vineyard K1VSJ
K3PFW USA NA-140 Smith K3PFW
KU8E USA NA-085 St George KU8E
LU8XW Argentina SA-008 Tierra del Fuego WD9EWK
LZ1KSL Bulgaria EU-181 Sveta Anastasiya LZ4BU
M8C England EU-011 St Marys G4DFI
MJ0DLQ/p Jersey EU-099 Minquiers Reef ON4ON
MM0CWJ Scotland EU-010 South Uist WA3RHW
N1DX USA NA-137 Bailey Buro
N2GC USA NA-026 Long N2GC
N6HR/VE7 Canada NA-061 Kaien N6HR
N7YX/VE7 Canada NA-061 Kaien N6HR
NC2N USA NA-111 Long Beach NC2N
OD5 Lebanon AS-108 Ramkin I1HJT
OH/SM0W Finland EU-101 Bergrund SM0WKA Buro
OH9A Finland EU-173 Sandstrom Reef OH1NOA
OH0R Aland Island EU-002 Aland OH2TA
OH0Z Aland Island EU-002 Aland OH5DX
OY1CT Faroe Islands EU-018 Stroemoy OY1CT Direct
OZ/DL1OKB Denmark EU-171 Nordjylland DL1OKB Buro
OZ/DL2JRM/p Denmark EU-030 Bornholm Buro
PA Netherlands EU-038 Texel
PA/ON7BWB/p Netherlands EU-146 Duiveland ON7BWB
PB2T/p Netherlands EU-146 Goeree Overflakkee PB2T
RA0FF Russia (Asia) AS-018 Sakhalin N6FF
RA0FU/p Russia (Asia) AS-149 Moneron RA0FU
RA0FW/p Russia (Asia) AS-149 Moneron RA0FW
RI0BDI Russia (Asia) AS-005 Dickson RA3XR
RI1NU Russia (Europe)EU-147 Zelenaya Luda RN1NU
RK0FWL/p Russia (Asia) AS-149 Moneron RA0FU
RW0MM/p Russia (Asia) AS-066 Russkij Buro
RZ0ZWA/p Russia (Asia) AS-095 Starichkov
SK6M Sweden EU-043 Tjörn SC6AG Buro
SK7DX Sweden EU-138 Hanoe SM7DXQ
SM1T Sweden EU-020 Gotland SM1TDE
SM3LF Sweden EU-087 Alnon Buro
SM3S Sweden EU-176 Grimskar SM3GSK
SM0ELV/5 Sweden EU-177 Lilla Olso SM0ELV Buro
SP/DL6ZFG/p Poland EU-132 Wolin
SP3BJK/1 Poland EU-132 Wolin SP3BJK
SP4JWR/1 Poland EU-132 Wolin SP4JWR
SX8J Greece EU-075 Aigina SV1BKN
TF7/LX9EG/m Iceland EU-071 Vestmannyeyjar LX1NO
TM4Z France EU-065 Ouessant
TM8N France EU-064 Noirmoutier F8DVD
UE3FWM/1 Russia (Europe)EU-133 Moshnyi
UW0G Ukraine EU-179 TBA US0ZZ
VY2/W1MO Canada NA-029 Prince Edward W1MO
W2JU USA NA-046 Martha's Vineyard W2JU
W2WB USA NA-111 Long Beach W2WB
W4YO USA NA-110 Harbor
WA6WPG/p USA NA-144 Santa Rosa WA6WPG
WB8YJF/4 USA NA-067 Ocracoke WB8YJF
XU7POS Cambodia AS-133 Koh Pos
YE1P Indonesia OC-237 Peucang YB1TC
ZL/G3SQX New Zealand OC-201 Waiheke G3SQX
ZL6QH New Zealand OC-036 North ZL2AOH
ZX7XX Brazil SA-046 Itamaraca
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