Martti Laine is probably the most well known active DXpeditioner is the world.
His book "Where do we go Next?" describes the joys and sorrows of traveling
to remote and dangerous places just to put a "new one" on the air. I met
Martti at the Dayton Hamvention in 1992. We became friends after a friendly
discussion about making duplicate contacts with DXpeditions. Martti continues
to pursue finding new ones to activate, much to the dismay of some DX'ers
who don't appreciate having to work them just to stay on the honor roll.
Martti is someone that you just like right off. It's no wonder he has so
much success in negotiating his way into countries that have been off the
air for years. OH2BH is truely a DX'er known around the world!
Al Hicks, W8AH, has got to be one of the most active US DX'ers in his
age bracket. I met Al at the Dayton Hamvention and got to chat with a
legend in his own time. Al has worked most everything many times over.
W8 Alpha Hotel is recognized by DX'ers around the world. His technique
is controversial, but you can't argue with the result. I am happy to
be his friend.
If you are a CW fan, this is from 20 meters at 0413Z on 15 July 95.
K8YSE and Al "Is there anything he hasn't worked?" Hicks W8AH
W8JGU, Bill MacCracken, DX Mentor
Bill MacCracken, W8JGU, is my DX mentor. Although I have been licensed
since 1961, it wasn't until I met Bill in 1987 that I found someone that
could answer every question I had about HF antennas. Bill has a nice
station with antennas for 160m through 10m, including 4 over 4 on 10/15/20
and a full size 3 element 40 meter beam. Bill did the work on the mast
and prop pitch rotor arrangment that turns those monobanders pictured
on my home page. It's hard to beat Bill in the pileups. His operating
skill is up there with the best. His favorite mode is CW where he prefers
a vibroplex bug. His favorite bands are 160, 80 and 40. The only thing
he doesn't do is climb towers.
W8XD, Nick Wislocki....guest op at KN8Z
I enjoy working DX with others that share the same enthusiasm as I do.
Nick, W8XD, is one of those persons. Nick has a very modest station
but manages to work most everything I do. He has the uncanny ability
to get up early on the mornings when those rare ones just happen to
show on 80 and 160. Nick is always thinking and plotting his next
country aquisition. This year he managed to get his 160 meter Worked
all Continents in record time and was recognized in the Low Band Monitor
for his achievements! Occasionally operating in the stealth mode, he is
definitely paying attention!
UT3UY, Anatoliy Kirilenko (Toly) ......5A Dxpeditioner
Toly was working USA as 5A1A on 7/13/95 around 2230Z. I think I
might have a good Q S O! Is this really a good contact?
Where is K2EWB when you need him?
This picture was taken in front of the Yaesu booth at the Dayton Hamvention
in 1994.
Jon Severt WB8YJF and K8YSE
One of the most important parts of DX'ing is getting that much needed qsl
card. Some we send for direct but often a card will come via the buro.
If you have a good letter manager you have it made......and I do. WB8YJF,
Jon Severt, handles the Y's in the eighth buro and is a godsend. He
enjoys CW and RTTY, choosing to work with very modest antennas. You may
have worked him from some Carribean destinations and most recently from
Chatham Island (ZL7CW). Thanks Jon!
Cookie, a mix Golden Retriever, has probably made more DX contacts
than Hugh Cassidy's QRP'er. She often joins me in my DX salon
and manages to B A R K out a contact when the rare ones are on frequency.
I wanted to name her "DX" but was overruled! A pity.