The K8YSE Cookie & Blackie Cam is Y2K-OK

Here is a live picture of the Cookie & Blackie domain at the K8YSE QTH. The picture will
automatically update every 200 seconds or so. The refresh seems to work best
with Internet Explorer. Netscape seems to have trouble refreshing properly so the image
doesn't change even though there is a new picture on the server. Cookie and Blackie are on
different runs that are each about 50' long. Sometimes they are in view. Camera is always active
but at night you can only see window reflections. I've received email about Cookie and Blackie from all over the world, but nothing can beat the one I received one day. It read:
"BBC London Newsroom enjoying your backyard shot, by the way!"
Click here for some archived shots. Hope you enjoy it.
The First Snow of the 2000/2001 Winter Season Captured

The Cookie and Blackie Cam was temporarily replaced by the Dove Cam back in May, 2000. A Morning
Dove decided to make a nest in a Hanging Flower Pot near the Cookie and Blackie
domain. The nesting was very successful and produced two baby doves which eventually left the
nest and are still in the area. Here are some archived pictures of the birds.
The All-in-Wonder video card by ATI captures the images from a Sony TR91 Video Camera pointed
out a window. The SpyCam program controls the capture sequence and automatically ftp's
the images to the web server.
updated by SpyCam
CLICK HERE for some archived Route 82 cam shots. These
pictures were taken in 1997 when the cam was pointed out the window overlooking State
Route 82 in North Royalton.
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