The Ultimate in Auto License Plates
The NO CW license plate belongs to none other than little known dx'er Radio Ray, W8BIN, ex WA8BIN. Although Radio Ray selected this vanity plate for what must have been a good reason, it is not because he doesn't know the code. I have personally witnessed him working a dx station in the CW mode. Since Radio Ray just loves Cookie and Blackie, I could not resist taking this shot at
the NODXA field day. Actually Cookie has quite a bit of experience in SSB DX'ing since she often lies on the floor of my DX Salon, waiting for the opportunity to send a B A R K to the DX station, especially the rrrrrrraare DX! She has never received a report less than FIVE and NINE! If there was an award for a Dog DXCC, she would be the first to apply for it. Blackie is still a puppie so she is still learning the code.

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